Sunday, June 7, 2009

Camping at Mt. Charleston

Last weekend we went camping with some friends at Mt. Charleston. We had a blast. It was so beautiful up there. The girls enjoyed exploring, playing with fire, building their own teeter-totter, and sleeping in their very own "girls-only" tent. We hiked to a meadow and the kids had a great time playing freeze tag and red rover. Allie was enjoying herself so much that she dropped her much beloved favorite blankie and left it in the meadow. We discovered we had left it as we were driving back home. The funny thing was, Amelia felt so bad about Allie losing her blankie that she cried all the way home. Allie hadn't a clue and when we got home she seemed content to nap with a different blanket. It's been a week, Allie is still content. Thank you, Mt. Charleston, for freeing us from the dingy, take-me-everywhere blankie and for allowing us to overcome our fear of camping with kids. Our last camping trip was six years ago. Amelia was just a baby and the thoughts that come to mind when I recall that trip are diarrhea diapers, raccoons in the night, and a sleepless baby. Thank you Mt. Charleston for replacing the bad memory with a good one. We actually might go back again next summer!


  1. You guys are so cute! Who would have thought a decade ago we'd be here!!! Love and miss you! Jared and I enjoyed looking at your pictures!

  2. Looks like fun! I love all your cute pics!

  3. I JUST found your blog and am SO excited!

    A couple things:

    We're going camping next week for the fist time as a family. I'm nervous to say the lease. "Raccoons in the night" is making me MORE nervous! We're going to be there with a huge group, but still. . .Visions of being sticky hot and dozens of mosquito bites fill my head.

    Cindy, I cannot recall a time when I've seen Clint do anything but smile. I know he can't smile ALL the time, but I don't think I've ever seen it. Clint - you're amazing!

    You've got three gorgeous girlies you two!

    If you didn't know, our blog is at

    luvs, aby
